MilleUna Framework IT by Leonardo Boselli

Version 1/140824

"An all-in-one framework to write online interactive fiction with hyperlinks and other useful stuff. Translated in Italian."


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


++ 0% (Reading text)
++ 5% (Analysing sentences)
++ 15% (Drawing inferences)
In Section 5 - Hyperlink specific stuff (for use with Basic Hyperlinks by Emily
Short) in the extension Automap IT by Leonardo Boselli:

You wrote 'the check moving to room rule response (A) is "[regarding the
player][maiuscolo][Sei][maiuscolo] giĆ  [inp the location]."' automap it by leonardo
boselli: but this seems to give something a name
which contains brackets '(' or ')', which is not allowed since the
potential for confusion with other uses for brackets in Inform source text
is too high. (If you need, say, a room which the player sees as 'Fillmore
(West)', you can get this effect with: 'Fillmore West is a room with
printed name "Fillmore (West)".')

You wrote 'the carry out moving to room rule response (A) is "Da [qui]
non [regarding the player][hai] idea di come andarci."' automap it by leonardo
boselli: again, this seems to give something a
name which contains brackets '(' or ')'.

You wrote 'the carry out moving to room rule response (B) is "([if
heading is not up and heading [...] ing])[command clarification break]"' automap it by leonardo
boselli: again, this seems to give something a
name which contains brackets '(' or ')'.
++ Ended: Translation failed: 3 problems found
Copy Include MilleUna Framework IT by Leonardo Boselli to clipboard Include MilleUna Framework IT by Leonardo Boselli.
The MilleUna Framework contains all is needed to write interactive fiction readable online and playable clicking hyperlinks.
Visit to know more.
Version 1/140824 of MilleUna Framework IT by Leonardo Boselli begins here.

"An all-in-one framework to write online interactive fiction with hyperlinks and other useful stuff. Translated in Italian."

Include MilleUna World IT by Leonardo Boselli.
Include MilleUna Interface IT by Leonardo Boselli.
Include MilleUna Conversation IT by Leonardo Boselli.
Include MilleUna Help IT by Leonardo Boselli.

MilleUna Framework IT ends here.